4 photos de Judith fatiguée
Blog, My experience of PKD

The time my face worried me

Last Sunday, Luisa Miniachi, Coordinator at the Montreal Section ofthe PKD Foundation of Canada, contacted me through my facebook page. I called her on Monday, and she told me she could help me share my story, through her network and that of the Foundation. An express request Confronted with the dark…

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soon, dialysis DENIED
Blog, My experience of PKD

Turnaround: no dialysis soon!

No dialysis for me, after all! No operation to place a catheter either! My body decided to stagnate at 13% of kidney function! This is not what I expected. When I was told that on Tuesday, I was insulted. What a bad time to stop the kidney function drop! 6 years…

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Blog, My experience of PKD

Soon, dialysis

I saw my nephrologist again in December, and we started talking seriously about dialysis for me. I’ve been waiting for this for a while, my symptoms having been constant for over a year. I always feel nauseus, I wake up 3 to 10 times a night to urinate, I’m always tired,…

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Blog, My experience of PKD

No news is good news!

I’m late in my weekly post this week! Homeschooling, even if she is pretty autonomous as an 11-year-old girl, it still takes a lot of energy out of me! On the other hand, I have started my broader planning for my facebook page, and I will soon have more educational content…

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