Blog, My experience of PKD

How to progress when sleep remains superficial

Whew! For the past two weeks, I’ve been sleeping even worse than usual. I’m spending my nights dozing off, always close to waking up. I dream a little, and then I kinda think for an hour about the 15 minutes of dreams that I just had, and I do that like 7 times during the night. I get up to go to the bathroom, the cats come to say hello, and I go back to bed to “sleep” the rest of my night.

During the day, I feel slower. More dragging. More dispersed. More dissipated.

My website is also moving slower. I started it a month ago, and it was almost finished two weeks ago. Today, it is still almost finished! 😛 I have moved much more slowly in the last two weeks than in the two before, because of this terrible mental fog. I admit that it is a little frustrating.

But to tell you the truth, it’s okay like that. It’s a hobby, no one is depending on me, I can do stuff to the rhythm of my energy. It gives me something to do, and even if I can’t wait for the site to be Live so that my experience can be found through search engines (which my facebook blog can’t do), I must accept snail speed.

The important thing is to try every day. No matter what I manage to do, it’s always more than I could have done if I hadn’t tried.

Honestly, I’m having a lot of fun learning how to make a web page again! The process of creating a website is no longer like when I made one at 12 years old; today there is no need to code everything myself in html. When I created this new site, I thought I would be finished in a week, having my experience, a content base already created and the new means available to create websites. I actually find it almost more complicated than it was before, I kinda feel limited in my creation by the tools available to me. But I’m learning! And it’s coming along.

Today I will try to install a translation plugin, to be able to translate my content in English. (the fact that your can read this website in English is the proof it worked :P) I’m thinking of translating it into Spanish too eventually, since I’ve been learning Spanish for 2 and a half years on the Duolingo app and I’m getting better! I’ll still have to check the automatic translations, but I can’t wait for my content to reach more people! I searched a bit, and I couldn’t find another blog on Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), if you aren’t counting the Foundations that deal with this topic. Since PKD affects about 13 million people worldwide, I know there are plenty of people who want to learn and are wondering how others are living with this disease. I hope to be able to answer some of their questions, and be able to guide them to other resources!

And if I manage to raise awareness about the disease and my need for a kidney to live, who knows where it can lead! #wishfulthinking

I can’t wait to share it with you! See you soon!

#iflifegivesyoulemons #tranformingabadexperienceintosomethingpositive


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