Whew! For the past two weeks, I’ve been sleeping even worse than usual. I’m spending my nights dozing off, always close to waking up. I dream a little, and then I kinda think for an hour about the 15 minutes of dreams that I just had, and I do that like…
Canadian Organ & Tissue Donors Association (CODA) volunteers and why they’re important
This week, while digging a little into Canadian and Quebec organizations related to organ donation, I discovered the Canadian Organ and Tissue Donors Association (CODA) and its volunteers. According to its website, the CADO has had a mandate to promote organ donation in Quebec and Canada since its creation in 1983.…
Turnaround: no dialysis soon!
No dialysis for me, after all! No operation to place a catheter either! My body decided to stagnate at 13% of kidney function! This is not what I expected. When I was told that on Tuesday, I was insulted. What a bad time to stop the kidney function drop! 6 years…
Soon, dialysis
I saw my nephrologist again in December, and we started talking seriously about dialysis for me. I’ve been waiting for this for a while, my symptoms having been constant for over a year. I always feel nauseus, I wake up 3 to 10 times a night to urinate, I’m always tired,…
In the news: A first pig heart transplant in a human patient
On Friday, January 7, 2022, American surgeons managed to transplant a pig heart (genetically modified) on a human patient. On Monday, when the University of Maryland Medical School announced the news, the 57-year-old was still alive and his new heart was doing its job well. This 8-hour surgery is really important…
No news is good news!
I’m late in my weekly post this week! Homeschooling, even if she is pretty autonomous as an 11-year-old girl, it still takes a lot of energy out of me! On the other hand, I have started my broader planning for my facebook page, and I will soon have more educational content…