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Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week

pkd warrior asking for help

Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week was held from April 24 to 30, 2022. For the occasion, I had planned for two months to make big media shots. I wanted to talk about my story to eventually find a kidney, and also to advance the cause of Quebecers waiting for organ donation. If I was to create a platform for myself, I didn’t want to do it only for myself.

I first contacted my friend Marc, who works in public relations. I wanted advice to maximize my impact, and not put energy in the void. With the little energy I have, it had to be useful! Thanks to him, I was ready to send everything to the media a week before Awareness Week. I wanted to talk about two solutions to the organ shortage in Quebec. Thank you Marc! ♥

Those who gave me the chance to talk about it and the results

I got a very good response from the media! I had the chance to be interviewed on the radio by Patrick Lagacé on 98.5, Barbara Leroux on Radio-Canada, and in writing by Roxane Trudel at the Journal de Montréal (they are all in French, sorry! But here is a great topo done in English by my friend Luisa). In response to that, the people have been extraordinary! I received really a lot of messages of support, which helped to lift my spirits. I needed it; I’ve been in a really meh mood for over a month. :/ The sun outside and the messages help, but the fact remains that I am really worried about having to wait for years to get a transplant.

The result of the week: a little hope for my family

I also received a few messages from people ready to explore a possible living kidney donation for me. This is not the first time this has happened to me; since the beginning of my quest for kidneys, you are more than a dozen to have contacted me in this sense. To date, it has not been able to work, for various reasons specific to each person. I already count myself lucky that my speaking allows people to learn more about living organ donation, and to reflect on what is good for them. ♥

Thank you to everyone who thinks about it and inquires! I remain hopeful that one day, it will be the right one! We will know in a few weeks if one of the people who contacted me this week wants to continue the process after receiving all the information. I will then be called to take a blood test to check compatibility with a potential donor. Obviously, even if we are compatible, there is no guarantee that the person will go all the way in this adventure, which takes about a year. That’s life; each person decides what is good for themselves and that’s fine!


I remind you that although it makes the process a little easier, it is not necessary to be of the same blood type as me to help me receive a transplant with a living donation. There are so-called Paired-Donations; a person who has a donor who is not compatible with him or her may receive from a donor someone who is not compatible with his or her own donor. You can do chains like that with up to 10 people in it, and it helps a lot of people at once! To learn more about organ donation and cross-donation, click here and watch Capsule 4!

Who to call if you are thinking about donating a kidney during your lifetime

If you ever want to explore a possible compatibility with me, you can call the Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital, at 514-252-3400, Ext. 1275. The team there is amazing and will take the time needed to answer your questions. If you want to start the process, they will invite you to a 4-hour training, to fully understand all that the ramifications for you. You can withdraw from the transplant process at any time, even after when the date of the operation is scheduled. It is important that this is the right choice for you! The team there will support you in all the steps. To learn about the journey of an extraordinary woman who donated one of her kidneys this year, click here.

selective focus photography of black rotary phone
Photo by Pixabay on

What can we do to end Quebec’s organ shortage

Making sure our organ donation happens after we die

I wanted to take advantage of Awareness Week to talk about the latest statistics from Transplant Québec (sadly only in French), which coordinates organ donation in Quebec. In 2021, 26% of families refused to donate the organs of their deceased loved one despite their written wishes to do so. So it’s super important to talk about your posthumous wishes with your family and loved ones while you can. They will be aware of your wishes and will be able to follow them. The moment of your death is not the right time to make them make this choice; it must be clear in their heads well before.

Your loved ones may not understand why you want to do this. It can also create good discussions about your reasons for wanting to donate your organs. Who knows? Maybe you’ll encourage others to save lives too! Every gesture counts, as I repeat constantly in all the spheres of my life! 🙂

Presumed consent

In general, organ donation from cadaveric donors (after their death, it’s the medical term) is allowed when the person has expressed their desire to be a donor in writing. But this is not the only way to take care of organ donation wishes.

Nova Scotia introduced presumed consent in 2021, which is a practice that works in reverse of what we know. Rather, it is assumed that the entire population is in favour of organ donation, and those who do not want to can register in a registry to make their wishes known. It’s simple to set up; an online registry and media campaigns to properly explain organ donation. And last year, it increased the number of organ donors to 28, whereas usually they have about 20 donors*.

* Click here to better understand why the number of potential donors is so low

a close up shot of a person signing a document
Photo by Mikhail Nilov on

To signify your agreement to this paradigm shift related to organ donation in Quebec, you can sign this petition. It will be introduced in the National Assembly of Québec on June 5, 2022. Also talk about it around you, the more we are, the more we will be heard!

My post-big-week condition

I am completely exhausted! 😛 I have trouble concentrating, I drop a lot of things, I am making messes everywhere in the house! 😛 It took me days to finish this article, which talks about things I know very well.

But it was worth it. I am happy with the discussions that have taken place thanks to my efforts, and I cross my fingers for a possible donor!

See you soon, and thank you for being here 🙂

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