Already 13 days since the transplant. The last time I came to write here was to tell the story of the operation and of the days that followed. As you know, the transplant went very well and my body is recovering well. At the end of the article, I told you…
My experience of PKD
I have had my kidney transplant!! :D
That’s it, it’s done, I’m transplanted! Today is the sixth post-operation day and it’s going well! I think I’m pretty much in the best possible recovery scenario! ♥ In just three days after the operation, I gained 30% kidney function!! It’s extraordinary and better than expected! And it continues to climb,…
Less than 48 hours before the kidney transplant…
It’s Tuesday, less than 48 hours away from the kidney transplant that awaits me Thursday morning. My suitcases are ready and I’m ready! I’ve been going around in circles since this morning trying to escape the adrenaline that holds my body and heart. The long-awaited transplant is coming SO SOON! I…
Time passing at the speed of the pausing snail
Day T minus 10 days!!! Whew! Waiting takes so much time! I’m so looking forward to the operation! Anti-rejection medication gives me some side effects, including stomach ache and hand tremors. I am completely exhausted. It’s really hard to wait patiently! Less stress since last week Last week, I was really…
Anxiety and fear before the big life change
As you know, I have been waiting impatiently for 2 years for the kidney transplant that will take place on December 1st. I have two goals with this blog. First, I want to talk openly about my journey, so that those who are going through the same thing feel less alone.…
Meeting with my donor and the transplant team
This week, I went to my last hospital appointment before my kidney transplant, which will be on December 1st! I’m warning you, it was a whole day filled with information, from 8am to 2.30pm. I think it’s relevant that I tell you about it since we arrive in the last stretch…
There is only one month left!
It’s the November 1st, and my transplant date is December 1st. I only have one month left before the transplant!! WOW!! I’m stressing a bit about it, because I’ve never had general anesthesia and I don’t like the idea of having no control over the outcome of the operation. I am…
My shrink, the best calmer in the universe
Well, last week I was talking about how I was not well and that I would rather feel better before the transplant. That I wanted to write a book in November doing the NaNoWriMo. That all I could do was lie down and rest, and that it was too boring. Well,…
Preparing for the transplant
These last few days are not good days. I’m having a hard time thinking, I’m so so tired, and I don’t want to do anything. It’s not okay. Brushing my teeth is a struggle with myself to find energy. Life is long waiting to live again. There is a month and…
A big sigh of relief
In my last post, I told you the best news in the world: I should get a kidney transplant in early December if all goes well! And for the first time since the opening of this site, I found an unexpected lightness: I did not feel the urgency to publish as…