rein guerrière rencontre le nouveau rein
Blog, My experience of PKD, Transplant

I have had my kidney transplant!! :D

That’s it, it’s done, I’m transplanted! Today is the sixth post-operation day and it’s going well! I think I’m pretty much in the best possible recovery scenario! ♥ In just three days after the operation, I gained 30% kidney function!! It’s extraordinary and better than expected! And it continues to climb,…

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Blog, My experience of PKD, Transplant

There is only one month left!

It’s the November 1st, and my transplant date is December 1st. I only have one month left before the transplant!! WOW!! I’m stressing a bit about it, because I’ve never had general anesthesia and I don’t like the idea of having no control over the outcome of the operation. I am…

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pkd warrior fatiguee
Blog, My experience of PKD

Preparing for the transplant

These last few days are not good days. I’m having a hard time thinking, I’m so so tired, and I don’t want to do anything. It’s not okay. Brushing my teeth is a struggle with myself to find energy. Life is long waiting to live again. There is a month and…

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pkd warrior relief
Blog, My experience of PKD

A big sigh of relief

In my last post, I told you the best news in the world: I should get a kidney transplant in early December if all goes well! And for the first time since the opening of this site, I found an unexpected lightness: I did not feel the urgency to publish as…

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