My name is Judith, I am 36 years old, I live in Quebec and I have Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD).. I am of Quebec and American origin. To learn more about who I am, click here.
How PKD changed my life
- Diagnosis
- 2019: 18 years after the first blood
- The impact on the baby project
- 2020: the collapse
- Preparing for a future pregnancy
- 2022
- The transplant
The story of this blog
How Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) changed my life
When I was 15, I urinated blood at school. I went to the walk-in clinic because I didn’t have any associated pain.
By pure chance, the doctor on site had just returned from a conference on PKD and immediately recognized the possibility that I had this disease, and that the blood came from the rupture of one of the cysts. This was followed by an ultrasound that was without appeal: I had the disease. I was the first in my family to receive this diagnosis, but with ultrasounds to other members of my family, we determined that it came from my father’s side.
At the time, all it meant to me was that I now knew the cause of my occasional side pain, and that one day I might have a kidney transplant. My kidney function was normal at the time. The consequences were very distant for me.
At 19, I had infection in the cysts in my kidneys and had to be hospitalized for two months, but I never had any other consequences. My follow-up was done by a nephrologist at first (kidney doctor), then by my family doctor when my nephrologist retired. I had annual blood tests, but until I was 33, my doctor didn’t see a problem with them.

2019: 18 years after the first blood
In 2019, everything started to unravel. In the winter of 2019, I moved to another region to change jobs. In the summer of 2019, I started to be more and more nauseus. I saw a doctor in July, because I had started going home during the day to rest when I didn’t have an obligation with clients. October 2019, I received a call in the car: I was told that my kidney function was at 30%.
Initially, I honestly didn’t believe it. A year earlier my former doctor had told me that I was starting mild kidney failure, which starts around 90% and up to 60%.
In my car, when I told the doctor at the end of the phone that a year ago my kidney function was at 70%, you can imagine that she started to panic a little bit more! A 40% drop in kidney function in one year was way too much!
In my first follow-up with my new nephrologist, we realized that my kidney function figures had been falling by 7% per year since 2015, and that I was well on stage 4 out of 5 of renal failure (to learn more about the stages of renal failure, click here).
The impact on the baby project
In this first meeting with my nephrologist, I also learned that I could not have a child before a kidney transplant.
That really broke my heart for a while. We were just ready to start our own family, the timing was just terrible. But hey, neither I nor the child would have survived a pregnancy at that point, so we didn’t really have a choice.
We had to learn to live with this reality and find a way to make the dream work. We saw a specialist at the mother-child centre at the Centre hospitalier universitaire de Québec (CHU de Québec) who told us that one year after a kidney transplant, pregnancy would be possible. What a relief!
In the meantime, my boyfriend has an 11-year-old daughter whom I love like my own, so I feel like we’ve formed a family. We want to give her siblings, and I look forward to the joy of raising children since birth. 🙂
2020: the collapse
For everyone, 2020 is the year of the beginning of the pandemic. For me, it was also the year I started to really see my overall condition go down. By the spring of 2020, I was fit, even on fire, and was super performing at work. Big projects rested on my shoulders, I was happy and fulfilled. In the summer of 2020, however, the nausea that had inhabited me for a year now was almost always present and I was always tired. Worse than that, I had trouble concentrating and I didn’t operate with the same efficiency at all.
Exhausted, I went to see my doctor who took me off work. This was followed by a psychological follow-up where we checked if I was “just” having a burnout or if it was something else. After months of testing, all we found was my illness. There was nothing to do except rest while waiting for a transplant. At 34, I had to stop working until I received a kidney transplant.

Preparing for a future pregnancy
But in the meantime, I could still work on the baby project! Almost at the same time as the beginning of the sick leave, the fertility clinic called me to make an appointment. The plan was to do what wecould at that time to facilitate a pregnancy after the transplant.
To do this, we had to overstimulate my ovaries in order to collect as many healthy eggs as possible. Then we had to freeze them until after the kidney transplant.
After the kidney transplant, we will have to fertilize the eggs, and send them to a laboratory in the United States to remove those who have my disease – so that I do not pass it on to our future children. I can’t protect them from everything, but I can prevent PKD from continuing to spread in my family. Since PKD is hereditary, we would naturally have a 50% chance of producing a child without PKD, and a 50% chance that our child would inherit it.
In 2020, this whole process was not free, and the government refused to make an exception for me, as they do with people who will have chemotherapy and cannot be sure they can have children later. Yet, let’s agree that at the age when I will finally receive a kidney, the chances of me becoming a mother naturally are very slim. In addition, by wishing to prevent PKD for our children, we will save significant costs to the health system, by reducing the chances that this child will need care early in life.
We are extremely lucky: people from our entourage have offered to contribute to the costs of the process. My best friend opened a GoFundMe, and within a few days, the $11,000 needed for the first step (overstimulation of the ovaries and egg retrieval) was collected. We are extremely fortunate to be so well surrounded, and thanks to them we were able to undertake the adventure without the financial stress.
In all, we collected 17 eggs in two overstimulation treatments. After the freezing, fertilizing and laboratory verification of the presence or absence of PKD, we were told that we should have 2 healthy embryos left at the end, ready for implantation.
These two embryos represent a lot of hope for us. On the other hand, we tell ourselves that if they do not hang on during the implementation, we can still adopt. All we want is one or two healthy children ♥
We don’t know when we will be able to have them, but we already love them ♥
At the end of 2021, I decided to take my future into my own hands. I didn’t know how long I would wait on the waiting list to get a transplant, and I couldn’t just sit around doing nothing for years, continuing to wither. I decided to create this blog and be active in the media about PKD, kidney disease and organ donation. I was talking about my kidney search at the same time, but I always took the opportunity to raise awareness. It gave meaning to what I was experiencing. It made my little life as a sick person relevant and useful, and although it required a lot of energy, it felt good.
The transplant
In September 2022, I received a call telling me that someone had completed all the steps, was compatible with me and could donate a kidney in December. I was flabbergasted! I didn’t know him at all, he had seen my message on social media and was willing to help me.
Just like that, he agreed to save my life, without knowing me, just to help me. Frédéric Verville saved my life, and I will be forever grateful.
The transplant took place on December 1, 2022. Everything went well. I now recover quietly at home:)
The story of this blog
Facebook blog: A Kidney for Judith
In October 2020, when we started the fertility process and people wanted to contribute to the project, I decided that I had to find a way to keep them informed about the process. This is how the facebook blog A Kidney for Judith was born. Initially, it was called Healthy Test Tube Baby, in reference to the fertility process, but when the egg retrieval was complete, the next step in starting a family was to find me a kidney.
In Quebec, we expect about two and a half years of wait for a transplant with a cadaveric donor (someone who dies and has signed his health insurance card). For a living donor, we are talking about around 7 to 13 months. I decided to be proactive and transform the focus of the blog to become the basis of my search for a living donor. By sharing my story, maybe I could find someone who would be willing to give me a kidney! My story was shared hundreds of times, I even went on the radio, and I received 8 offers to give me a kidney. Unfortunately, none of these offers were successful.
My Facebook page A kidney for Judith has been hacked and I can no longer change its name. So I created a new one, Judith Bélair-Kyle – PKD Warrior.

PKD Warrior
I want to inform people about my illness through my experience, but on a platform that is more accessible to people who have the disease and their loved ones. I also want to inform about diseases and symptoms related to PKD, through my experience and information from reliable sources.
I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in business administration, so I’m not a specialist in the disease. On the other hand, I comit to use reliable sources, check the information I publish and correct myself if I make mistakes.
If what I live can be useful for others, why not share!
Thanks to my sister and my spouse, who support me in this project and help me make the content relevant and with as little errors as possible!
Thank you to all those who have been following me for 1 year and a half, or since yesterday. Your support is precious to me! You make my life more enjoyable!
Thank you to everyone who shares my story and content. You allowed me to find my donor! And now you’re helping to raise awareness about organ donation and kidney disease!

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