It’s Tuesday, less than 48 hours away from the kidney transplant that awaits me Thursday morning. My suitcases are ready and I’m ready! I’ve been going around in circles since this morning trying to escape the adrenaline that holds my body and heart.
The long-awaited transplant is coming SO SOON! I can’t take it anymore, I’m looking for things to do but everything is done, all I have to do is check my luggage with my partner Thierry after his workday.
I can’t wait! Can’t wait for it to be done, can’t wait to be told that the transplant worked, can’t wait to start getting better! I know several people who have had transplants lately who have not had it easy, with a few/many complications. But I am hopeful that with a living donor, my transplant will go well! My plan is for the graft to start producing urine during the operation, which is the best possible scenario. 😉
A living donor transplant usually lasts longer than a cadaveric donor transplant and often has fewer problems during transplantation. I am really lucky through my bad luck: my donor offers me the best available solution to end-stage renal disease!
Tomorrow morning, we get up early to leave Trois-Rivières and arrive in Maisonneuve-Rosemont at 9:30 am. I will have some medical tests to pass during the day, and then I will wait until the next day for the transplant.
I confess that I am not patient at the moment, but how can I blame myself? I have been waiting for more than two years now, and I will soon be able to resume a normal life!!
I will either give you news tomorrow, or when I am able after the transplant.
See you soon!
PS: a new character

I don’t know if you noticed: I created a new character that can be seen in the image at the beginning of the article and in the one opposite! This is my new kidney, very small and cute compared to my native kidneys, which are huge and deformed due to Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD).
Welcome, new kidney! We are all looking forward to seeing you!!
More information:
For the curious who want to learn more about kidney transplantation:
More information about living kidney donation:

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