Interview with Brittany Henriques at CityNews Montreal. It talks about Polycystic Kidney Disease, how I found a donor I didn’t know, and the importance of living donation in reducing the number of people waiting for an organ to live again. We’re also talking about what will come in a year, the journey I’ll have to take to become a mom!
To access the interview in English, click here.
Interview with Marie-Claude Lavallée at 98.5, where we talk about how I found a donor, cross-donation, how the transplant went and the documentary to come! We also talk about the side effects of medication and the importance of talking about organ donation with your family.
To access the interview in French, click here.
Interview with Molly Béland on TVA. It talks about the transplant, the anxiety I experienced caused by the operation and the anti-rejection medication and the presumed consent!
To access the interview in French, click here.
Interview with Julie Grenon on Radio-Canada, where we talk about transplantation and the importance of living donation! It also announces a documentary that will come in 2023 on my story and that of my donor. They were even able to be there during the operation!
To access the interview in French, click here.
8-minute interview with Radio-Canada, where we talk about how I learned the news of my upcoming transplant, the next steps in preparing for the transplant, the desired pregnancy and the presumed consent!
To access the interview in French, click here.
Interview by Amélie St-Yves de Noovo about my story and the kidney donation that a person I don’t know wants to give me!
To access the interview in French, click here.

Interview published on September 6, 2022
Interview by Anne-Merline Eugene of Radio-Canada about my story, Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and the Montreal March to Defeat PKD!
To access the interview in French, click here.
8-minute interview with Radio-Canada, where we talk about how I learned the news of my upcoming transplant, the next steps in preparing for the transplant, the desired pregnancy and the presumed consent!
To access the interview in French, click here.
A text I wrote. I tell my story and my desire to start a family. I also talk about September 4, which is National PKD Awareness Day!
To access the text in French, click here.
Interview by Jennen Johnson of ACB Organ Health (African Caribbean Black Organ Health). On their channel, ACB Organ Health speaks with guests about organ transplantation, and the different realities surrounding this subject. They also talk about the difficulties of access to care for their community.
To access the Youtube video in English, click here.
As part of National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week 2022, interview by Roxane Trudel, at the Journal de Montréal.
To access the newspaper article in French, click here.
As part of National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week 2022, interview by Barbara Leroux on Radio-Canada, ICI Mauricie-Centre-du-Québec.
Looking for a kidney on social networks, for lack of better: Judith Bélair-Kyle
To access the audio interview in French, click here.
As part of National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week, I had the chance to be interviewed by Patrick Lagacé on his show Le Québec maintenant, at 98.5 FM! ☺😁
To listen to the interview, click here.
To read about the story of Élise Desaulniers, a kidney donor who was at the microphone with me, click here. (in French)
For the first time since my pre-college days, I did an interview on Radio-Canada radio to talk about my background and about organ donation!
To access the audio interview in French, click here.
For any interview request, you can contact me at contact@pkdwarrior.com! I will be happy to tell you about my story and what surrounds PKD and organ transplant!

For more news, follow me on the different platforms!
Je vous souhaite la meilleure des chances
Merci beaucoup Diane! ♥