My name is Judith Bélair-Kyle, I am 36 years old, I am from Quebec and I have Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). I am writing this blog to inform people about this currently incurable disease, kidney failure and organ transplantation. I want to talk about the impact that this disease has on the daily lives of people who suffer from it, and what can be done to make life better. To do this, I want to use reliable sources and my experience.
To learn more about my PKD-related story, click here.
I’m also a confessed geek, an avid reader of science fiction, epic fantasy and biographies and I love video games. I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in business administration. I have been working in the health network in Quebec for 13 years. I am constantly looking for challenges and life projects, and PKD offers me a special one at the moment since I can no longer work. Currently, this site is a way for me to do something useful, and gives meaning to what I am experiencing. I live with my boyfriend, my daughter-in-law and our two cats, and we are lucky to be very happy together! 😀
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