Welcome to the blog PKD Warrior!

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) affects approximately 13 million people worldwide. I am one of those people, and I experience the impacts of this disease on a daily basis. Due to end-stage renal disease caused by the disease, I received a kidney transplant on December 1, 2022.

The MPR warrior is me.

I know the condition of my kidneys, I know my disease, I know that it is incurable and that my only hope is a kidney transplant. I worked hard to find a donor, and it came to fruition with a transplant!

Illness is no reason to give up! I’m taking the opportunity to make the disease known and inform about all the extra health problems that it causes.

Most of all, I am the PKD warrior because I want to turn all my unpleasant daily experience into something positive, and I intend to fight to keep my spirits up and enjoy life anyway!

By the way
by the author of the blog

My name is Judith and I have Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD). I deal with the symptoms of polycystic kidney disease on a daily basis, and I received a kidney transplant in December 2022.

I try to make sense of what I live by informing people about this incurable disease still little known and by talking about organ donation.

photo of the author
cheerful young woman screaming into megaphone
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Sharing to give life

Each sharing of my story in your networks has given me one more chance to find a compatible donor for a kidney transplant. Now, sharing my story can give hope to the thousands of people waiting for a kidney transplant. You have a certain power and you can find a donor yourself!

Please feel free to send me your comments or questions
Under the articles or in the form, I am always happy to answer them!

Thank you ! ♥

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